Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm Back!

A lot has happened since my last post. I ended up pressing charges on #10 because he wouldn't leave me alone, he may no longer contact me through any means of electronic devices. which is good ... right? Everyone keeps telling me I should be happy he is finally out of my life, but I don't feel like I think I should feel about it. I feel like I should just move past it and not even think about him anymore, but I do. This isn't necessarily a good thinking of him, more of a "I want him to know I'm good without him, and I want to know he's not with out me" But everyone is right I do need to let him go. I mean I don't want to be with him. He's not a bad guy and all but even when I'm with him I know ... knew it wasn't right and never will be. It was never fair of me to make him think other wise and not that he will ever know it but I am sorry for that. I hope one day he understands that it was nothing personal. Who know maybe he will be far out of my mind when he is living back in our home town and not next door.
Split with #11 because he needed a commitment and i couldn't give that to him ( all for the best), and #12 and I are still kinda friends but don't really talk anymore. He needed commitment too.
However as always there is new better news. I am now going on dates with some guys one of which will remain numberless and detailliss for personal reasons the other two however I have no reservations talking about. The first one we will call number 13 we met in high school and kinda liked each other then but never really had the chance to date for this reason or another. But now we have started talking again and turns out we are both single. The problem there lies in the fact he still lives in my home town.
Quick little cap on #13 he is supper sweet. This year on Valentines day he was going to come see me and surprise me but didn't have the money but promised to make it up to me and take me on a late Vday date. He is coming down sometime this week to see me. I am so excited.
The second one #14 I met online during one of my "I'm stressed I'm going to meet someone online for the adrenaline rush" moments. As it turns out he is a great guy. He is in the air-force, is a complete gentlemen loves taking photos and travailing. Now I don't want this to sound at all racist but he is the first black guy I have ever been on a date with and it was so much fun!
In other news spring break is this week and I am staying home so I can work. I did get a modeling gig though. It was so much fun. The shoot was today and I got to dress up in this Elizabethan dress and they took pictures.  not to mention I got paid for it. And those pictures are going to be turned into paintings. OH! and they asked me to come back and do it again at the end of the month.
So I guess that make me a Part Time Model.... that's right Take A Number Boys 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

So i did it!

So I actually talked to the cute guy in my class. the two of us are "hanging out" today after classes and I am so excited. We stayed up talking on facebook for hours last night it was fun. only one slight problem... i found out that (i think we can call him #13 now) is 8 years older than me. So there stands the question. how old is too old? If you ask my roommates they would tell you that he is the best that i have gone for yet, so, so what if he is that much older than you. However if you ask an outsider most of the time they would say that the max that you should go as far as age is around 3 or 4 years older. So i guess we will try to answer the question "does age matter?"

In other news #12 decided that after I in formed him that what we had was in no way a comited thing decided to get back with his ex. i guess some guys just need that comitment. Okay most guys. And way is that? What happened to good old fashioned dating? Is it a male possession thing? or does it just come from not wanting to get hurt? I ask this because #12 isn't the first to act this way. #11 acted the same way when he came to visit and even after he left. Am I domed to choose one guy and commit to him for a while just to get board and leave him? Maybe #13 will be different.

After a while of hanging in the library I look around like I always to but this time it was different because when I looked up I saw this really cute guy looking at me. he smiled and I smiled back. blushing I got back to my work. He then proceeded to walk over to a computer close by where I was sitting saying. however it was not close enough to half a conversation with the guy. So after a pleasant greeting as he passed I went back to my work occasionally looking over to see that he was still looking at me. I continued my work and when it was time to go to class I got up to leave. As I did so he happened to be passing me. He then stopped looked me in the eye and said "Have a great day" and I turned and left with out his name or his number. Will I ever see mystery Library guy again? I sure hope so. But if I do I will not forget to get his information or at least give him mine.

Maybe he will be the next to Take a Number Boys

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New start. ... if it works...

So today is Saturday and I am home alone. Granted I do still have a cold, and am kinda mad at #12 right now... Point of advice guys if you're on a date with a girl or even just getting dinner, don't make it obvious that you wish you could be flirting with the girls at the other table. That's just rude. Anyway I should be doing something. with someone who not only looks great but treats me great too.
The other day my roommate compared me to Emma Stone at the beginning of "Crazy Stupid Love" she said something like "She is incredibly hot and is dating this geeky looser at the beginning when she all along could be dating someone hot like Ryan Gosling. Just reminded me of you. Thought you should know." Her and our friend ... well lets call him JAC ...have always been really forward with how they feel about the guys I date. They get on me every time that I say I thought a guy was cute but am to afraid to say, "Hi, lets do lunch"
But today I have decided to change that and listen to them whats the worst that can happen ... ok no laughing if I fall on my face ... but I won't know untill I try. In the mean time... Take a Number Boys 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Long story short.

So a lot has happened since my last post. That wonderful Ex who fallowed me to Collage #10 well he was to be my ride home after winter break. However like all great wooers of his time he decided to be an ass and clam that he wouldn't give me a ride back home. Needless to say when I found my own ride back and got there after telling him I wouldn't be speaking with him, gathering my things and saying see ya sucker... (of course i frased that differently) he decided to inform me that he was always going to give me a ride and that I was over reacting... Maybe I did but I do know that I am happier now. (other than this damn cold... Grrr) oh and for those who were wondering about my long distance boy man thing #11... yeah that didn't work out he came to visit me and went home early after going on a date with me and the other guy I was telling you about #12... yeah in case you didn't all ready know going on a date with two guys at the same time... bad idea...
AnyWho... so lately I have just been going on dates with #12 and they are ok... other than he is really how would you say in his own world... he seems to think he can treat me how ever he wants and I am just going to stick around ... well news flash life is just about to get hard because I don't put up with that no matter what you can do for me...

well stay tuned life is just about to get interesting... want to join the fun? well you're just going to have to
Take A Number Boys

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


so right now I am at my moms house for christmas brake. As soon as I got here a guy I go to school with asks me if when I get back from break if I will go on a date with him. I don't know him that well so I thought why not. so we agreed that when I got back and had the time i would go bowling and to dinner. After I agreed to go on this date he felt the need to continue the conversation. which isn't a bad thing.... now three days later I am regretting my willingness to go on the date. All the guy would talk about is how he has a cold and that sucks but he thinks that he is getting a nice car for christmas and they are having lobster and all this stuff. And just so all you guys out there know I was the opposite of impressed with this. So I told my sister about how eragent this guy was being and I showed him to her on facebook. that is where she noticed that his last name was Kraft spelled just like the cheese so she told me that if I asked him if he owned it he would stop being so eragant so I did and of coarse he said no... well "not that I know of " so we laughed. finally I got so sick of him that I finally told him how big of an ass he was being. I kid you not he said he would stop and still wants to go on our date.

so I guess that's another one down. Who knows what mess I will get in to next. I guess that depends on who has the next number. So Take A Number Boys.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My name is Rachel and this is my journey to find my prince charming. I have just finished my first year of college so I thought that this would be a good time to start this. As far as guys go I don't have the greatest of luck. ... Well I guess that depends on who you ask. you if you ask my best friend Trish she will tell you that I am poison when it comes to guys. When I can get a guy to date me the become... how is the best ways to say this... attached? I guess you could say. Even when I tell them don't fall for me I don't stay with guys long ... they do. Well lets get you caught up to now and then we will go back and you can meet all the numbers later. I will be referring to the guys I have dated by numbers to conceal their identity's. For now just know I am in an open relationship with a guy who lives 9 hours away. we will refer to him as number 11. Oh one more thing, my ex number 10 lives next door to me.... and boy is that drama! 
Ok well I'm off to bed so... Take A Number Boys