Wednesday, December 21, 2011


so right now I am at my moms house for christmas brake. As soon as I got here a guy I go to school with asks me if when I get back from break if I will go on a date with him. I don't know him that well so I thought why not. so we agreed that when I got back and had the time i would go bowling and to dinner. After I agreed to go on this date he felt the need to continue the conversation. which isn't a bad thing.... now three days later I am regretting my willingness to go on the date. All the guy would talk about is how he has a cold and that sucks but he thinks that he is getting a nice car for christmas and they are having lobster and all this stuff. And just so all you guys out there know I was the opposite of impressed with this. So I told my sister about how eragent this guy was being and I showed him to her on facebook. that is where she noticed that his last name was Kraft spelled just like the cheese so she told me that if I asked him if he owned it he would stop being so eragant so I did and of coarse he said no... well "not that I know of " so we laughed. finally I got so sick of him that I finally told him how big of an ass he was being. I kid you not he said he would stop and still wants to go on our date.

so I guess that's another one down. Who knows what mess I will get in to next. I guess that depends on who has the next number. So Take A Number Boys.

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