Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My name is Rachel and this is my journey to find my prince charming. I have just finished my first year of college so I thought that this would be a good time to start this. As far as guys go I don't have the greatest of luck. ... Well I guess that depends on who you ask. you if you ask my best friend Trish she will tell you that I am poison when it comes to guys. When I can get a guy to date me the become... how is the best ways to say this... attached? I guess you could say. Even when I tell them don't fall for me I don't stay with guys long ... they do. Well lets get you caught up to now and then we will go back and you can meet all the numbers later. I will be referring to the guys I have dated by numbers to conceal their identity's. For now just know I am in an open relationship with a guy who lives 9 hours away. we will refer to him as number 11. Oh one more thing, my ex number 10 lives next door to me.... and boy is that drama! 
Ok well I'm off to bed so... Take A Number Boys

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