Wednesday, February 01, 2012

So i did it!

So I actually talked to the cute guy in my class. the two of us are "hanging out" today after classes and I am so excited. We stayed up talking on facebook for hours last night it was fun. only one slight problem... i found out that (i think we can call him #13 now) is 8 years older than me. So there stands the question. how old is too old? If you ask my roommates they would tell you that he is the best that i have gone for yet, so, so what if he is that much older than you. However if you ask an outsider most of the time they would say that the max that you should go as far as age is around 3 or 4 years older. So i guess we will try to answer the question "does age matter?"

In other news #12 decided that after I in formed him that what we had was in no way a comited thing decided to get back with his ex. i guess some guys just need that comitment. Okay most guys. And way is that? What happened to good old fashioned dating? Is it a male possession thing? or does it just come from not wanting to get hurt? I ask this because #12 isn't the first to act this way. #11 acted the same way when he came to visit and even after he left. Am I domed to choose one guy and commit to him for a while just to get board and leave him? Maybe #13 will be different.

After a while of hanging in the library I look around like I always to but this time it was different because when I looked up I saw this really cute guy looking at me. he smiled and I smiled back. blushing I got back to my work. He then proceeded to walk over to a computer close by where I was sitting saying. however it was not close enough to half a conversation with the guy. So after a pleasant greeting as he passed I went back to my work occasionally looking over to see that he was still looking at me. I continued my work and when it was time to go to class I got up to leave. As I did so he happened to be passing me. He then stopped looked me in the eye and said "Have a great day" and I turned and left with out his name or his number. Will I ever see mystery Library guy again? I sure hope so. But if I do I will not forget to get his information or at least give him mine.

Maybe he will be the next to Take a Number Boys