Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm Back!

A lot has happened since my last post. I ended up pressing charges on #10 because he wouldn't leave me alone, he may no longer contact me through any means of electronic devices. which is good ... right? Everyone keeps telling me I should be happy he is finally out of my life, but I don't feel like I think I should feel about it. I feel like I should just move past it and not even think about him anymore, but I do. This isn't necessarily a good thinking of him, more of a "I want him to know I'm good without him, and I want to know he's not with out me" But everyone is right I do need to let him go. I mean I don't want to be with him. He's not a bad guy and all but even when I'm with him I know ... knew it wasn't right and never will be. It was never fair of me to make him think other wise and not that he will ever know it but I am sorry for that. I hope one day he understands that it was nothing personal. Who know maybe he will be far out of my mind when he is living back in our home town and not next door.
Split with #11 because he needed a commitment and i couldn't give that to him ( all for the best), and #12 and I are still kinda friends but don't really talk anymore. He needed commitment too.
However as always there is new better news. I am now going on dates with some guys one of which will remain numberless and detailliss for personal reasons the other two however I have no reservations talking about. The first one we will call number 13 we met in high school and kinda liked each other then but never really had the chance to date for this reason or another. But now we have started talking again and turns out we are both single. The problem there lies in the fact he still lives in my home town.
Quick little cap on #13 he is supper sweet. This year on Valentines day he was going to come see me and surprise me but didn't have the money but promised to make it up to me and take me on a late Vday date. He is coming down sometime this week to see me. I am so excited.
The second one #14 I met online during one of my "I'm stressed I'm going to meet someone online for the adrenaline rush" moments. As it turns out he is a great guy. He is in the air-force, is a complete gentlemen loves taking photos and travailing. Now I don't want this to sound at all racist but he is the first black guy I have ever been on a date with and it was so much fun!
In other news spring break is this week and I am staying home so I can work. I did get a modeling gig though. It was so much fun. The shoot was today and I got to dress up in this Elizabethan dress and they took pictures.  not to mention I got paid for it. And those pictures are going to be turned into paintings. OH! and they asked me to come back and do it again at the end of the month.
So I guess that make me a Part Time Model.... that's right Take A Number Boys 

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