Saturday, January 28, 2012

New start. ... if it works...

So today is Saturday and I am home alone. Granted I do still have a cold, and am kinda mad at #12 right now... Point of advice guys if you're on a date with a girl or even just getting dinner, don't make it obvious that you wish you could be flirting with the girls at the other table. That's just rude. Anyway I should be doing something. with someone who not only looks great but treats me great too.
The other day my roommate compared me to Emma Stone at the beginning of "Crazy Stupid Love" she said something like "She is incredibly hot and is dating this geeky looser at the beginning when she all along could be dating someone hot like Ryan Gosling. Just reminded me of you. Thought you should know." Her and our friend ... well lets call him JAC ...have always been really forward with how they feel about the guys I date. They get on me every time that I say I thought a guy was cute but am to afraid to say, "Hi, lets do lunch"
But today I have decided to change that and listen to them whats the worst that can happen ... ok no laughing if I fall on my face ... but I won't know untill I try. In the mean time... Take a Number Boys 

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